Sacret warm springs in Jinin


This is an One-shot adventure for Pathfinder 2e Remastered. It is placed in Tian Xia in the Jinin Region. As the player characters should be foreigners to the region, the players do not need any specific knowledge about Tian Xia except what is given to them in this adventure.

Take a rest in the sacred bath in the silver woods

The recent adventures had pushed the player characters to their limits. They had explored dangerous dungeons, defeated terrifying monsters, and solved dark mysteries. Every day had been a struggle for survival, and the scars they bore were not just physical. Wounds that neither healing potions nor spells could fully mend weighed heavily on them.

The group was exhausted, both mentally and physically. Nights without sleep, constant vigilance, and countless battles had taken their toll. They longed for a place of rest, a sanctuary where they could finally feel safe and restore their strength. Each of them knew that to be ready for the challenges ahead, they urgently needed a period of regeneration.

Their search for such a place led them to an experienced traveler who told them about a mysterious healing bath deep within the silvermist woods of the region Jinin. This place, hidden in a forest inhabited by elves in central Tian Xia, was renowned for its sacred, warm springs that possessed incredible healing powers. The elves, though skeptical of strangers, were famous for their extraordinary healing abilities, which they drew from the natural forces of the forest.

With this promising information, the players set out on their journey. The trek through the dense forest was arduous, but the prospect of healing drove them onward. Finally, after a long journey, they reached the legendary healing bath. The elves greeted them with a mixture of reserve and respect. The chief healer stepped forward and spoke in a gentle, soothing voice:

“Welcome to the sacred springs of Jinin. Here you will find the rest and healing you seek. But before you enter, you must lay down your weapons and equipment. This place is a sanctuary of peace.”


Game System: Pathfinder, 2nd Edition (Remastered)

Origin / Background

Your characters can origin in the Inner Sea Region (that includes Garund or Avistan).

Please prepare one or two lines about how your party met, what previous adventures cause your search for a place to rest and why you didn't choose a location that is nearer to you, but travel all the long way to Tian Xia.

Anchestries and Classes

Anchestries Classes
  • Core Anchestries (Common), including Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Human, Leshy, Orc
  • All uncommon Ancestries, including Azarketi, Catfolk, Fetchling, Gnoll, Grippli, Hobgoblin, Kitsune, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Nagaji, Ratfolk, Tengu, Vanara
  • All-time banned classes are: Anadi
Get a full list at  Ancestries

If you choose a anchestry or class that does not usually exists in the Inner sea or Garund/Avistan, please provide a brief background why your origins are in these regions.

Gameplay details

  • Money: Any money that you haven't spend for preparing your character is unavailable during this adventure. Instead, each party member starts with 30gp (actually you have 45gp, but you have to pay 15gp to enter the bath, so you keep 30gp)

  • Hitpoints: Your player character will start with hit points equal to your Constituion Modifier (minimum of 1) multiplied by your level plus 1d6 (roll 2d6, keep highest).

  • Conditions: Each party member must roll a −1 Fortitude save. On crit success, nothing happends, on success, you get fatigued 1, on failure fatigued 2 and on crit failure fatigued 3. You can rest from this using the warm springs or when taking a rest.

  • Bath: One hour of bathing in one of the warm springs will grant you 3d8+10 hit points, as well as reduce any fatigued-, slowed- and clumsy-condition by 1

  • Flasks of Sacret Water: The elves sell sacred water in small flasks for 35gp. A flask contains enough sacred water to give you fast healing for 6 rounds (roll 2d6 once, keep highest), reduce any fatigued-, slowed- or clumsy-condition by 1d4−2 (minimum 1) and makes you immune to off-guard until the start of your next round
