Rescue in Mwangi


This is a resuce mission in the jungle of the mwangi expanse. It is an One-shot adventure for Pathfinder 2e Remastered.

Rescue in Mwangi

The oppressive heat of the dense jungle of the Mwangi Expanse weighed heavily your shoulders as you and your party members arrive at the small village on the edge of the untamed forest. Your good friend, a local hunter named Kael, is already waiting for you with a desperate expression in his eyes. His voice trembles with worry as he tells you what has happened.

“My children are missing,” he says, his voice shaking with fear and concern. “They were playing at the edge of the village, but no one has seen them since. I fear they have been kidnapped and taken away. Please, you have to find them, before anything happens to them! I can't leave the village unprotected, so I really need your help!”

You can see the pain and fear in Kael’s eyes. He beggs you to find and rescue his children quickly. He knows as good as you: The longer the children are gone, the less likely it is that they are still alive. The jungle of the Mwangi Expanse is notorious for its deadly inhabitants and the treacherous traps of nature. Massive predators, poisonous plants, and hidden tribal warriors made every minute precious.

Determined and with a strong sense of urgency, you set off to start the search. You know you have to act fast. Only equipped with the bare minimum of weapons and supplies, you ventured into the green, unforgiving wilderness. Every shadow can hide potential danger, every rustle of leaves make you alert. Time is your greatest enemy, and you know that Kael’s children's lives depended on your courage, speed, and determination. With each step, you resolve deepened, and your mission becomes clearer: you have to rescue the children before the jungle swallowed them forever.


Game System: Pathfinder, 2nd Edition (Remastered)

Origin / Background

Your characters can origin in the Inner Sea Region (that includes Garund or Avistan).

Please prepare one or two lines about how your party met, why they are in Mwangi and what connection they have to Kael.

Anchestries and Classes

Anchestries Classes
  • Core Anchestries (Common), including Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Human, Leshy, Orc
  • All uncommon Ancestries, including Azarketi, Catfolk, Fetchling, Gnoll, Grippli, Hobgoblin, Kitsune, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Nagaji, Ratfolk, Tengu, Vanara
  • All-time banned classes are: Anadi
Get a full list at  Ancestries

If you choose a anchestry or class that does not usually exists in the Inner sea or Garund/Avistan, please provide a brief background why your origins are in these regions.

Gameplay details

  • Time: Time is your enemy! Please keep that in mind, any decision you take should value this. You want to rescue these kids fast, before anything happens to them. If you take decisions that don't value this restriction, this might have horrible consequences for the children and maybe even for yourself!
  • Bulk: Bulk will only slow you down, so think about what you want to carry with you. More details about this will follow within the next few days, but in general, if you have extremly low Bulk, expect some circumstance bonus to any speed- and movement-related checks and skills. For too much Bulk, be prepared to treat normal terrain in the jungle as difficult terrain, as well as difficult terrain in the jungle as greater difficult terrain.
  • Backpack: You start this adventure in a hurry. You don't have time to prepare much. As a result, you can't prepare many food rations or prepare any items for that matter. Keep your backpack to a minimum. In addition to your weapons and any item that you need to use your characters skills, such as spellbooks, you have just enough time to grab 1 large item (Bulk > L) or 2 small items (Bulk L) that might be in immediate reach of you from the streets in the village, nothing else. Consequently, you will start with food for only 1 day and without adventurer pack and without items except the ones you got from the streets. For your items that you grab from the streets, packs such as "Adventurers Pack" will not count as a single item, but multiple items.
  • Return to village: During the adventure, you don't want to return to the village empty handed. Avoid returning to the village without good news!
  • Armor: You are in a hurry, so there is no time to equip heavy armor. Feel free to wear light armor, but if you insist to equip your heavy armor, this will take valuable time and thus have consequences in the story!
