The caravan in the Golden Road


This is a mission in the infinite desert of the Golden Road. It is an One-shot adventure for Pathfinder 2e Remastered.

The caravan in the Golden Road

You stumble through the endless expanse of the desert, the scorching sun beating down on you relentlessly. The vast sands of the Golden Road stretch infinitely in every direction, offering no hint of respite. It's been four days since a violent sandstorm tore through your caravan, throwing you off course and leaving you to wander aimlessly in this unforgiving wasteland. Your mission was simple: ensure the safe passage of valuable goods to the next city, a journey that should have taken only two or three days. But now, your supplies of food and water are dangerously low, and every step feels heavier than the last. Desperation gnaws at you and your companions, and the realization sinks in—if you don’t find shelter, water, and food soon, you won’t survive the journey. The desert is vast, but your hope must remain strong. For in this endless sea of sand, survival hinges not just on strength and will, but on the mercies of the desert itself.


Game System: Pathfinder, 2nd Edition (Remastered)

Origin / Background

Your characters can origin in the Inner Sea Region (that includes Garund or Avistan).

Please prepare one or two lines about how your party met, what goods you are transporting and how many camels you took with you on this journey.

Anchestries and Classes

Anchestries Classes
  • Core Anchestries (Common), including Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Human, Leshy, Orc
  • All uncommon Ancestries, including Azarketi, Catfolk, Fetchling, Gnoll, Grippli, Hobgoblin, Kitsune, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Nagaji, Ratfolk, Tengu, Vanara
  • All-time banned classes are: Anadi
Get a full list at  Ancestries

If you choose a anchestry or class that does not usually exists in the Inner sea or Garund/Avistan, please provide a brief background why your origins are in these regions.

Gameplay details

  • Exhausted: You are traveling for a endless eternity, and you don't know how long you need to go on. You and your camels are tired and exhausted, so you start this adventure with fatigued 1 and enfeebled 1, which you can only rest from if you find a good enough shelter.
  • ****: Your supplies are low. Your party has only 2 rations of food left and some water, which - if you strictly ration it - can last a few hours.
  • Hot climate: The desert you are wandering in is extremly hot (over 45°C). The effects of extreme heat will apply, which means, that your fatigue level rises every 4 hours and the potential danger of fire is very high!
  • Sandstorms: The desert you are in is well known for its deadly sandsstorms. Watch out and be prepared for smaller and larger sandsstorms!
